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Religious Education


In RE, pupils will be provided with a diverse and engaging curriculum that allows them to delve into various belief systems, gain insights into the lives and teachings of influential religious figures, and ponder the ethical dilemmas of contemporary society. Passionate RE teachers at Ribblesdale are driven by a deep enthusiasm for the subject, they strive to inspire pupils in their lessons, fostering curiosity and promoting open discussions that enable pupils to learn from religious believers, their teachers and one another. Through this process, pupils develop and articulate well-informed opinions about the world around them.

KS3 - Religious Education

In Year 7, pupils embark on an exciting journey of discovery in their Religious Education studies. They delve into various areas that help broaden their understanding of the world around them. The journey begins with Creation and Stewardship in Christianity where pupils learn about the origins of the universe and explore the responsibilities humans have to care and protect the environment.

Moving forward, they have the opportunity to explore different religious traditions such as Sikhism, Islam and Christianity. By studying what it means to be Sikh Christian and Muslim, pupils gain insights in the core beliefs, practices and values of these communities. This helps foster cultural understanding, respect and appreciation for diversity. Exploring these areas in Year 7, pupils foster critical thinking skills and benefit from this foundation for what is studied in Year 8.

Year 8 begins with an evaluation of Jesus’ existence and his teachings. Pupils explore the significance of Jesus’ teachings on love, compassion and forgiveness and how these influence Christians in the modern world. This is followed with the life of the Prophet Muhammad, where pupils learn about the foundations of Islamic belief and practices and the historical context in which Islam began. Through the skills that pupils learn in this unit, they are able to evaluate the various religious authorities that exist in the world. Pupils explore Holy Books and religious leaders such as Priests and Imams and compare their roles with figures such as Martin Luther King, Gee Walker and Mo Salah. The study of these areas highlights the impact that religious leaders have played in promoting social justice and peace around the world.

Finally, in Year 8, pupils engage in challenging philosophical and theological questions surrounding the existence of Evil and Suffering and how people of different faiths grapple with these issues. The units of study within Year 8 allow pupils to develop deeper understanding of the influential figures within religions and their impact in the world. Pupils’ evaluation skills are enhanced and sharpened as they debate the position that religious authority has on the modern world. 

KS4 - Religious Education

In Years 9 and 10, pupils engage in a comprehensive exploration of religious themes and concepts through the study of the AQA specification A. At the end of Year 10, pupils sit 2 RE GCSE papers. Paper 1 is the study of religious beliefs and practices and Paper 2 is the study of religious responses to thematic studies. Paper 1 will see pupils learn about the core tenets and teachings of Christian and Muslim beliefs and practices. Pupils get to grips with concepts such as the nature of God, the significance of worship, the response to persecution.

In Paper 2, pupils will engage in ethical debates and explore religious values regarding topics such as Euthanasia, forgiving the unforgivable, gender discrimination and whether war is ever justified. Studying these contemporary issues through the lenses of different religious traditions, allows pupils to critically analyse and form their own opinions which are backed up with reasoning.

These skills are crucial for pupils navigating a complex and diverse global society. The AQA Specification A equips pupils with the knowledge and skills necessary to engage in meaningful dialogue, appreciate global diversity and make informed decisions as responsible global citizens.

Personal Development Opportunities

The New York trip running Easter 2024 is a joint trip between RE and Art and we aim for this to become a regular trip. We also plan to provide trips to local places of worship and faith museums in the coming years. Furthermore, pupils are given the chance to take part in Philosophy for Children sessions in Y11 to engage in discussions that have been debated for centuries. We are also looking to collaborate with other local schools and sixth forms to provide taster sessions in A-Level Religious Studies.

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